
Accounting dates 2016

Accounting Dates 2016

The best way to start the New Year is with a good knowledge of your business’s finances. That and giving up chocolate for a month, of course. Knowing accounting dates for 2016 is going to be the easiest way to keep track of your finances, and keep your relationship with HMRC in tip top condition.

Here are your tax dates for the remainder of the 2015/16 financial year! Don’t forget to check back in April for your 2016/17 financial calendar!

30 December 2015

Deadline for filing Income Tax return with HMRC if Tax to be collected through PAYE Code Number.

19 January 2016

Quarterly payment PAYE Tax and NIC for year ended 1 January 2016. Deadline for postal payments remittance of PAYE, NICs and CIS to HMRC.

22 January 2016

Quarterly payment PAYE Tax and NIC for year ended 1 January 2016. Deadline for electronic remittance of PAYE, NICs and CIS to HMRC for month ended 5 January 2015.

31 January 2016

Deadline for paying Self Assessment balancing payment and capital gains Tax for tax year ended 5 April 2015. Deadline for 1st payment on Self Assessment account for 2015/16.

19 February 2016

Deadline for postal payments remittance of PAYE, NICs and CIS to HMRC.

22 February 2016

Deadline for electronic remittance of PAYE, NICs and CIS to HMRC.

19 March 2016

Deadline for postal payments remittance of PAYE, NICs and CIS to HMRC.

22 March 2016

Deadline for electronic remittance of PAYE, NICs and CIS to HMRC.

5 April 2016

Tax year ends.

5 April 2016

All P11D dispensations expire.

Is your small business ready for next year’s accounting dates? Put these in your diary so you never have to submit a late tax return.

Kara Copple
An experienced business and finance writer, sometimes moonlighting as a fiction writer and blogger.