
HMRC Authority

Why register for HMRC’s tax registration service?

Registering for the online tax registration services of HMRC makes many routine tasks much easier and faster than in previous years. Rather than complete manual forms and have to rely on the postal service, you can deal with HMRC online. Once you have an online account with HMRC, you can deal with various services securely and at your convenience.

Ease of use

Signing up for the online services with HMRC will provide increased flexibility. You will no longer be ruled by postal delays or lost mail, as you can deal with HMRC in real time using its services. Information will be provided instantly and you will also receive business advice emails free of charge. These messages are designed to help you run your business, including provision of relevant deadlines. You will also be able to register more than one tax with HMRC without having to phone different departments or complete separate forms. If you have an agent representing you, they can also use the service on your behalf, although authority is required before HMRC can discuss your tax affairs with a third party.

What is available online?

There are various services available online for individuals, agents and organisations. You may want to inform HMRC that you will need to complete a tax return, which can be done using the online services. If you are starting a business, you can register online for self assessment, Corporation Tax, VAT and, for employers, PAYE registration is possible. VAT registration can be completed online, while changes to the registration are also possible with tax registration services.

Business Tax Dashboard

Once you are registered for HMRC’s online tax registration services, you can set up a Business Tax Dashboard. This was launched by HMRC to help small businesses get a complete picture of their taxes in one place. The information which HMRC holds about you on the online services will be transferred to the Business Tax Dashboard. Payments that are due, as well as those which have been made, will be available on the dashboard. If you are an employer, you will be able to see details of your PAYE. Any penalties due will also be indicated on the dashboard.


Being registered for HMRC’s online services will ensure that all submissions made online are secure; no more mailing important documents to HMRC, only to discover that they have been lost in the post. Online services provide a free, simple, quick and secure method of dealing with HMRC.

Kara Copple
An experienced business and finance writer, sometimes moonlighting as a fiction writer and blogger.