
Become a Greener Business

Six Ways to Become a Greener Business

It’s pretty obvious that none of us can ignore climate change. We’re all going to need to do our bit if there’s any hope of halting the damage, let alone reversing it.

With that in mind, we’ve compiled six ways to make your business greener. It might not be possible to implement them all straight away! Work them into your company’s organisational plan, and have them as goals for the future.

Limit business travel

Unless absolutely essential, many meetings can take place through video calling. It will cut down the business expense, and be less costly for the planet, too.

Some platforms, such as Skype, are excellent for businesses with a small budget. Larger organisations, especially those with multiple branches, might invest in proper video-conferencing systems.

Got samples to show off? Have them delivered to the customer, and follow up with a Skype call to discuss.

Source locally where you can

Reduce the miles your goods travel by sourcing local suppliers wherever possible. It’ll help the local economy, and develop further resources in the area.

Reduce your energy usage

Choose energy-saving versions of everything you can, white goods, technical equipment, lighting, and heating systems.

Motion-controlled lighting systems can save you money, ensuring lights are only on where they’re needed. You’d be surprised how much those lights left on constantly in your toilets are costing you!

Swap to a green energy company

Shop around for a company that uses 100% renewable energy or offers a green energy tariff. It may be a little more expensive than what you’re paying now, but the more people who use it, the greater the chance that providers will reduce the prices.

Implementing some energy-saving measures can reduce your energy bills anyway—and you’ll also know your business is doing something positive for the environment.

Cut back on plastic

Invest in soap and soap dishes instead. Bars of soap last longer than handwash and you’ll save a fortune, while eliminating a source of single-use plastic in your company.

Get rid of disposable plastic tumblers at the water cooler, too. Do a mental inventory of the things you use in your business; what items could be replaced with more sustainable versions?

Cut back on paper

Do you really need hard copies of everything? Think before you print! Company policies and handbooks can be saved as PDFs and sent by email or stored on a company server or cloud account. For those things that must be printed, consider whether you can print on both sides.

Don’t leave it to others—ensure your business is doing its bit. Many of these changes are simple to make, but if enough businesses make them, they can have a positive effect.

Stephanie Whalley
Serial snacker, compulsive cocktail sipper and full time wordsmith with a penchant for alliteration, all things marketing and pineapple on pizza.