
How Your Business Can Go Greener

How Your Business Could go Greener

Recently, an article by the BBC described how we are at a tipping point and are headed towards a ’climate catastrophe’ if we do not change our habits. To offset some of this damage, in the UK alone, a shocking statistic recently found that to tackle climate change in the UK, tree planting must double.

Frightening figures, and even more frightening is how difficult it will be to challenge it.

So, what can you and your business do to help the world beat climate change?

In this article we’ll be looking at ways to make your business greener. These approaches won’t break the bank or negatively affect the delivery of your services. In fact, some of them are exceptional business practice, even without the green credentials, and as such can benefit your business in terms of the bottom line, your reputation, winning clients and more.

Going green – tips for any type business

These pointers can be used by any kind of company.

  • Consider exploring regulations set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). They have a specific set of formal standards called the ISO 14001 which are aimed at helping businesses handle their environmental responsibilities.
  • Spread the message of action towards climate change to your employees. Encourage them to cycle to work with a cycle to work scheme, remind them of the importance of saving electricity and recycling where possible. Furthermore, listen to your employees. They are often the source for identifying where wastage can be stopped. Motivate them to be greener and reward them for doing so.
  • Examine the ways your business uses energy and materials. A significant portion of your business’ practices will produce emissions and hence have an impact on the carbon footprint of your business. One place to start would be switching to renewable energy suppliers. It’s worth conducting an environmental audit to see how you compare to others in your industry. By making changes that make you greener, you can then use this as a unique selling point.

Production based companies

Companies that manufacture products have slightly different requirements to ensure they are minimising their carbon emissions. This distinction is because they must consider the carbon footprint of where their resources come from and how the product is made. They need to consider their whole supply chain.

You will need to consider:

  • Where are the resources coming from to build your product? Find a supplier that is nearby or in the same country, as opposed to overseas. If the distance is less, there are fewer emissions produced through transportation. This may not necessarily be cost-effective, as local suppliers could be more expensive. But, the carbon neutrality of the product could be marketable. However, it’s worth exploring with local suppliers how they can serve you whilst keeping costs down.
  • The ‘green factor’ when designing and building your company’s products. Firstly, ensure that, as listed above, the technology used in the process is energy efficient. Secondly, the product itself should produce as little waste as possible. In an ideal world it would be entirely biodegradable, but at the very least it should be recyclable. Don’t forget to also consider packaging. Again, this can become a unique selling point for your brand.

We hope you’ll take some of the above points on board. Even the slightest changes can help make a difference.


What steps are you taking to make your business greener? Please share your thoughts below.

Christopher Jones
Forensics graduate-turned copywriter and blogger. I love turning complex topics into easy to understand, yet engaging pieces of content.