

Solopreneurs: Ensure Doing What You Love Doesn’t Make You Sad

You can imagine how difficult and socially-challenging the life of a solopreneur can become. You may have close family and friends to converse with, but they may well struggle to identify with the risks, challenges and emotional hardship involved in the day-to-day operations of a company.
Brian Hamilton, writing for Fox Business, said: “There is a sense of isolation that is really profound.” “… When you start a business, you are truly on your own. If you’re lucky, you may have a partner or a co-founder, but that’s it.”

Without a commute, boss or schedule to stick to, working from home undoubtedly has its advantages, yet such pros can also influence cons like depression and a sense of isolation.

Here are some tips to help solopreneurs feel content and connected.

Invest in an office

Staying stuck in the same place day-in, day-out, without even experiencing daylight on some days, is not good for personal wellbeing or productivity levels.

Having an office to visit can give you an excuse to leave the house. It reinforces a boundary, preventing work from taking over every inch of your life and compromising your mental health.

Communicate with existing solopreneurs, there are plenty of them out there!

Make connections with industry professionals who are in a similar position to yourself. Engage via online forums, video calls or networking brunches. Forming business relationships can help to compensate for your lack of workforce. You can become acquainted with industry insight, gain financial and time-management tips and alleviate your work-related stress to people who understand.

Dedicate your mornings to the outdoors, and exercise

This is the best possible way for you to kickstart your daily doses of proactiveness and creativity, whilst simultaneously influencing the release of dopamine to enhance your mood. It ensures you manage to get outdoors for a period of time at least once a day, which contributes to your overall happiness. It also starts your day off with some structure, which can be a god-send for some solopreneurs who struggle to find moments where they can focus on nothing else other than their headspace.

As a solopreneur what would you recommend helps you cope on an average day-to-day? Comment below with your own tips and experiences.

Stephanie Whalley
Serial snacker, compulsive cocktail sipper and full time wordsmith with a penchant for alliteration, all things marketing and pineapple on pizza.