
Time to go freelance?

Time to go freelance?

There are many reasons why people choose to head out into the freelance world. A lot of people make the decision to freelance their skills because it offers more flexibility and freedom around working hours which can often suit a busy family life. Having the option of choosing your working hours can really be an attractive option.

Reasons to go freelance

Some people find that their skills are in demand and it can be more beneficial in terms of what they can earn to offer their skills to companies direct rather than a permanent organisation. Whatever the reason is to go freelance it can be a daunting decision.  If you have been working with the safety net of a permanent position for a number of years, paid holidays and sickness cover, letting that go can sometimes be a step too far. However, take heart in the number of people who do make that leap and are currently reaping the benefits of a recovering freelance market.

If you are a web designer or developer it’s never been a better time to go out on your own. More start up companies and small businesses often prefer working with a freelancer on projects, they get a more personalised service, which can often mean projects get completed on time and to satisfaction. Of course the added attraction for a company to work with a freelancer is that the charges can be less and a freelancer can normally offer a lot more flexibility to work around budgets by working remotely for example.

Our advice would be to get together your online profile highlighting your skills. Websites like and of course the usual suspects such as will all help. Find out what job boards are focused around your skills.

For IT related freelance contracts, Jobsite and CWJOBS are good starting places to get your CV online and visable to clients and agencies. Also more  job crowd sourcing websites are available such as Again make sure you profile is updated regularly with current projects.

Get more information on working with an accountant when operating as a Freelancer here:



Kara Copple
An experienced business and finance writer, sometimes moonlighting as a fiction writer and blogger.