
5 Entrepreneurs and their New Year’s resolutions for 2015!

5 Entrepreneurs and their New Year’s resolutions for 2015!

By the second or maybe third week of January, many people have already broken their New Year’s resolutions. Diets have been forgotten about, gym sessions skipped and last year’s clutter remains piled up. In the meantime entrepreneurs who have made promises about their businesses are just beginning to work towards their goals for 2015.

As a small business owner you might be unsure about what to aim for this year. Five founders and leaders have shared their inspiring New Year’s resolutions. We have picked out the main themes from revenue targets to employee development, to help you to improve your business in 2015.


1. “When I was in high school, a jaded teacher told me that only 1 per cent of the population makes a living doing what they love”. In that instant, I promised myself that I will be a part of that 1 percent. I kept this promise last year when I quit my well-paying corporate job to start Lululosophy Artisan Chocolates. This year, I’m keeping the promise alive by challenging myself to triple last year’s revenue and take one step closer to making a living doing what I love” – Lucia Liu, founder of Lululopsophy Artisan Chocolates


2. “Invest more. We work with incredible companies, meet brilliant entrepreneurs and all the while we haven’t invested as a company. This year we hope to invest in companies we truly believe in, particularly women-owned businesses.” – Jaclyn Johnson, founder of No Subject


3. “This year we’ll strengthen our culture of purposeful development. We’ll be sure all our team members understand how their development benefits themselves. Not only to meet our business objectives, but to increase their capacity to add value in all facets of their lives.” – Edward Barnett and Karim Webb, owners of PCF Restaurant Management


4. “We’ve had a busy year during 2014 building our product in stealth. 2015 will be crucial for our success as we continue to build and reveal what we’re doing. My resolution is all about simplicity and focus” – Less is more – Tim Porter, founder and CEO of Gluru.


5.“It is important, as the person leading the company, to recommit to your role as a mentor and a person who empowers those who work for them. With the hectic pace, we sometimes lose sight of how important it is to support our employees so they become the best at what they do. If they succeed, the company succeeds.” – Gerry David, president and CEO of Celsius Holdings.



We’d love to hear what your New Year’s resolution is for 2015. Please like and share this article to support small businesses this year.






Kara Copple
An experienced business and finance writer, sometimes moonlighting as a fiction writer and blogger.